Vegetation & land clearing services

Sustainable Land and Vegetation Management

Our sister company offering specialist vegetation clearing services to assist property owners and operators to obtain better utilisation of their land and providing a solution to reduce fire risk.

Partnering Registered Training Organisations

National Council for Fire & Emergency Services (AFAC)

The Australian & New Zealand National Council for fire, emergency services and land management. Visit this website to view publications and information from a collaboration of senior emergency management practitioners and technical experts.

Stay informed

Bushfires NT

Check this page for current emergency warnings and incidents across Northern Territory.

Stay informed

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES)

Check this page for current emergency warnings and incidents across Queensland.

Stay informed

WA Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES)

Check this page for current emergency warnings and incidents across Western Australia.

Stay informed

Weather Zone

Keep up to date with weather in North Australia

Our South Australian sister company

South Australia's Bushfire Experts

Our sister company offering specialist bushfire assessment and consultancy services to assist property owners, developers, planners and more to make the experience of building or developing in bushfire-prone areas as easy as possible.

Partnering Registered Training Organisations

Partnering Registered Training Organisations

View more information about our partnering registered training organisation providing training in fire planning, leadership and operations.


We pride ourselves on our consistently professional delivery of all services we offer.


We deliver all services with Honesty, Trust and Respect, our strong moral principles are second to none.


Our focus is always customer satisfaction and our level of customer service. We have a strong focus on making sure every customer feels valued and appreciated.

Service Delivery

Our services are delivered in an effective, predictable, reliable, and customer-friendly manner, always.


High levels of communication, both within our team and with our clients and customers, makes us the best to work with in the industry.